Month: October 2020

What Makes Invisalign Work?

What Makes Invisalign Work? What Makes Invisalign Work?

Traditional metal braces are no longer the only viable option for tooth realignment. Today, Invisalign aligners are becoming more and more popular with every passing year – and for good reason. Invisalign offers numerous benefits that ordinary braces lack and can work just as well and just as fast – or faster. However, some people […]

How Does Wearing Braces Affect One’s Diet?

How Does Wearing Braces Affect One’s Diet? How Does Wearing Braces Affect One's Diet?

Correcting tooth misalignment by wearing braces is a standard treatment that works and is well worth any inconveniences it may temporarily cause. But the fact remains that many who learn they may need to wear braces quickly start asking questions about what they can and cannot eat during the treatment period. Since your diet is […]