Category: Dental Health

3 Tips for a Better Smile: What You Need to Do After Braces

3 Tips for a Better Smile: What You Need to Do After Braces 3 Tips for a Better Smile: What You Need to do After Braces

Congratulations! You’ve had your braces for months or maybe even a few years now and it’s almost time to get them taken off. No matter your age, everyone gets excited when the big day comes! You may have had a sense of how your smile is changing over time, but now you’ll finally get to […]

More Than Just a Pretty Smile: What Are Some of the Benefits of Braces?

More Than Just a Pretty Smile: What Are Some of the Benefits of Braces? More Than Just a Pretty Smile: What Are Some of the Benefits of Braces?

No matter if you choose metal braces or clear braces, you can enjoy a straight, healthy smile. Young patients may see results faster, but anyone can enjoy the complete benefits of braces! And when you get down to it, there’s more to look forward to than the beautiful smile you’ll see in the mirror. Let’s […]

What Can The Easter Bunny Bring Kids With Braces?

What Can The Easter Bunny Bring Kids With Braces? What Can The Easter Bunny Bring Kids With Braces?

Hey parents! It’s your good friend the Easter Bunny here! Once spring has sprung, I visit kids like yours every year. But this time, I want to talk directly to you! Yes, you! I know your favorite kiddo has been to the orthodontist and has braces now. That’s a good thing! It means a bright […]

Tips for Sending Your Children Back to School with Braces

Tips for Sending Your Children Back to School with Braces Tips for Sending Your Children Back to School with Braces

Kids going back to school with braces need to make a few changes to ensure their treatment is successful. For the most part, these are no big deal for older teens. Younger kids will need some support! By knowing what to expect, you can give them the guidance they need. Don’t worry – children can […]

4 Things To Expect After Getting Your Braces Off

4 Things To Expect After Getting Your Braces Off 4 Things To Expect After Getting Your Braces Off

You might wear metal braces for a few months or up to a few years, but what happens afterward? Getting braces off is usually a faster process than getting them put on. It’s a safe process with no discomfort. Your Port Orange orthodontist uses a special tool to loosen the braces and then pops them […]

Sweet Treats for Valentines Day: What You Can And Can’t Have While In Braces

Sweet Treats for Valentines Day: What You Can And Can’t Have While In Braces Sweet Treats for Valentines Day: What You Can And Can't Have While In Braces

Valentine’s Day is another fun “candy holiday” for kids. Long before kids are old enough to think about romance, classrooms often recognize Valentine’s Day as a chance to celebrate important friendships. Along with the opportunity to make cards comes plenty of sweet treats. This can include cakes, pies, and – of course – bagged candy. […]

Does my Child Need to Visit an Orthodontist? The Top 3 Reasons it may be Time

Does my Child Need to Visit an Orthodontist? The Top 3 Reasons it may be Time Does my Child Need to Visit an Orthodontist? The Top 3 Reasons it may be Time

About four million people in the U.S. wear braces, and a quarter of them are adults. But metal braces aren’t all there is to orthodontic treatment. Even in the youngest years, a quick orthodontic checkup can be helpful to make sure everything is going just right with those first “baby teeth.” Also called primary teeth, […]

What is an Impacted Tooth and What to Expect if Your Child Has One

What is an Impacted Tooth and What to Expect if Your Child Has One What is an Impacted Tooth and What to Expect if Your Child Has One

Orthodontic care is an important part of oral health. When a child gets an early start on orthodontic treatment, they are more likely to avoid serious complications. One of the most distressing of those: Impacted teeth. When you think of the most common oral health issues, cavities probably come to mind first. Cavities are serious, […]

Should My Kid Wear A Mouthguard While in Braces?

Should My Kid Wear A Mouthguard While in Braces? Should My Kid Wear A Mouthguard While in Braces?

Millions of Americans use braces to correct orthodontic issues like teeth gaps and misalignments. That includes adults and kids of all ages! When orthodontic treatment begins early in life, it means that the teeth can be gently eased into a healthy alignment that will support long-term health. The bite force of the human jaw is […]

I’ve Broken a Bracket! What do I do?

I’ve Broken a Bracket! What do I do? I’ve Broken a Bracket! What do I do?

Braces have been around for a long time – since about 1819. Even before modern braces hit the scene, people experimented with ways to straighten teeth for many centuries. Roman tombs have been unearthed with clear evidence of gold wire used to bind teeth. The earliest concept of today’s orthodontic braces comes from a book […]