3 Ways Clear Aligners Can Boost Your Teen’s Confidence

We know that teens are often serious about their image. They want to look their best. And even though they know straight teeth will help them do that, they’re not always thrilled about what they have to do to get there.

At Beauchamp Orthodontics, we get it. That’s why we offer clear aligners for most teens.

Clear aligners are different from ordinary braces for a number of reasons. They can treat almost all of the same conditions, but they are made from a clear plastic material. That makes them practically translucent, so people might not know you’re wearing them even when you’re standing only a few feet away.

With clear aligners, you can get all the same health benefits of ordinary braces with none of the concerns that so many teens have. When fitted using today’s advanced technology, aligners will work just as quickly as braces, and in some cases, they might even work faster.

Can Teens Qualify for Clear Aligners?

In a nutshell, most older kids, tweens, and teens can use clear aligners. Here at Beauchamp Orthodontics, we use Invisalign® clear aligners. This is the clear alternative to ordinary braces that’s been used successfully by millions of patients around the world for decades.

To qualify for these clear aligners, teens need to have most or all of their permanent or “adult” teeth in. Likewise, we take time explaining to families that aligners will require a sense of responsibility. Patients need to properly care for and keep up with their aligners especially when they remove them to enjoy a treat or play sports.

Dr. Beauchamp will also take a close look to be sure that any gaps or misalignment of the teeth are issues that Invisalign® can treat. When patients have more severe orthodontic concerns, ordinary metal braces are often necessary.

Of course, even metal braces are a lot different from how they used to be, and Dr. Marielle Beauchamp is the best orthodontist in Port Orange for unique “small form factor” metal braces. These work exactly like regular braces, but use less material and are much harder to see.

Naturally, though, most teens prefer clear aligners – and we are here to help. Consider some of the ways clear aligners can boost a teen’s confidence:

1. Clear Aligners Are Removable, Making Your Teen’s Life Easier

When a teen gets braces, it means they need to have them placed in a special appointment. Then, at the end of the course of treatment, their Port Orange orthodontist needs to remove them. Clear plastic aligners are very different: You can remove them any time you need to for cleaning or to participate in sports.

This makes teens’ lives easier because it simplifies dental hygiene – or more specifically keeping their appliances clean. Simply brushing or briefly soaking clear aligners does the job! Then you can put them back in when done. For young athletes, aligners are ideal because they can be stored safely in a bag or locker during games and practices so they can wear their athletic mouthguards.

2. Clear Aligners Are Nearly Invisible, Even Looking in the Mirror

Teens love clear plastic aligners because they don’t have to be self-conscious about how their smile looks. These aligners simply don’t have any of the perceived drawbacks of metal braces. In fact, even patients can barely see them while standing in front of a mirror. That means your teen will feel ready for anything – from a job interview to prom.

Another fun thing about clear plastic aligners is how easy it is to begin to see a difference. The aligners put gentle pressure on the teeth to slowly move them to the treated position. Teens get to track their progress between scheduled follow-up appointments simply by studying their smiles in the mirror.

3. Clear Aligners Mean You Spend Less Time in the Orthodontist’s Chair

With clear plastic aligners, as with any other orthodontic appliance, you’ll need to have some visits with your favorite Port Orange family orthodontist. That usually means more frequent visits as treatment begins, with fewer visits during the middle of the process – and with clear plastic aligners, they go by so fast!

Clear aligners don’t have bands or brackets that can bend out of place, so they’re not likely to develop issues between visits. And because they’re clear, it’s a lot easier for your orthodontist to tell what’s going on, curbing the time an appointment takes. And you won’t need a special appointment to get them on or off.

This can help teens feel more confident and less stressed about the whole situation.

Beauchamp Orthodontics Is Here to Help Your Teen Get a Healthy Smile

Wondering if your teen qualifies for clear aligners? Schedule your consultation online and your family will get the answers directly from Dr. Beauchamp at her fun and friendly family orthodontist practice in Port Orange. We look forward to meeting you soon!


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