Crossbite, Overbite, or Underbite: How Braces Can Resolve 3 Common Bite Issues

Crossbites and overbites and underbites, oh my!

When it comes to orthodontic care, traditional metal braces are your best option for severe orthodontic issues. The most serious tooth gaps and tooth misalignment can only be treated by braces. (But don’t worry – even if your condition won’t respond to clear aligners, you can still get clear braces for a subtle appearance!)

Orthodontic braces have been around in some form for thousands of years. In their modern form, they’ve been used for centuries. Millions of people all over the world have had terrific results from braces. Here in the U.S., a total of about four million people use braces at any given time, with about one million being adults!

No matter your age, braces are a terrific choice. Younger patients will usually see results from braces faster, but adults can also benefit from them. The only difference is that it might take a little bit longer. Patients should never have any pain or discomfort from braces, and there are really only a few foods you can’t eat with braces.

So that raises another question: What are the problems braces help with and how do they do it?

Braces Are Your Best Bet for These Three Common Orthodontic Problems

Braces are the ultimate in orthodontic treatment. They can do just about everything! The majority of patients who need braces in Port Orange come to Beauchamp Orthodontics with one of three common problems. Any one of them can be resolved in just a few years with metal braces or our specialty clear braces.

The most common orthodontic problems treated with braces include:


Overbite is believed to be the most common orthodontic condition. It is identified when the upper teeth jut out (that is, protrude) over the lower teeth by 30% or more. Most cases of overbite feature a protrusion between 30% and 50%. Everyone has a slight overbite since it helps us chew!

To fix an overbite, braces are used to gently apply pressure to the protruding teeth. Over time, the tension on the braces’ wires is adjusted to progress the treatment. Eventually, the overbite is corrected to a point where the teeth are in full alignment and there is only a slight difference between the upper and lower dental arch.

After treating an overbite with braces, most patients will need to use a retainer. A retainer is an appliance that helps ensure teeth will not “migrate” back to the untreated position. Most patients can choose from removable retainers or an implanted retainer that sits behind the teeth.


An underbite is slightly less common than an overbite. A significant underbite that requires orthodontic care is more common in men than in women. Like an overbite, an underbite is usually defined as a situation where the lower teeth protrude over the upper teeth by 30% or more. It can sometimes make talking or chewing harder.

Treating an underbite with braces is similar to treating an overbite. Underbites usually take a little longer, but it all depends on the severity of the condition. The braces used are designed to put a small amount of pressure on the protruding teeth and get all the teeth in the mouth into the proper alignment.


A crossbite is more rare and usually has more pronounced symptoms than either an overbite or an underbite. In a crossbite, the upper teeth fit behind the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. This is most noticeable among the front teeth, but it can also happen with the teeth in the back of the mouth.

A crossbite can present in many different ways, so a complete orthodontic exam is even more important before treatment. The teeth in the various sections of the mouth can have different needs based on their alignment. A trusted Port Orange family orthodontist like Dr. Beauchamp ensures you get the best treatment for your situation.

How Long Do You Have Braces? Answers from a Port Orange Orthodontist

Most patients have braces for somewhere between one and three years, depending on their condition and age. Younger patients tend to get done with treatment sooner than adults. The best way to make sure you finish up treatment on a timeline that works for you is to get started as soon as possible!

Dr. Beauchamp makes braces and other orthodontic treatments in Port Orange easy and fun for the whole family. If you decide to move forward, you can even save lots of time with our same-day braces. Schedule your consultation today to find out more. We look forward to meeting you!


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