Are you looking for information on braces brackets?
Braces are the most common orthodontic treatment, not just here in Port Orange, but everywhere in the whole world! Metal braces have been around in some form for centuries, and millions of people use them every year!
Here in the United States, about four million people wear metal braces at any given time. About one million of those are adults aged 18 or older. It’s helpful to understand just how metal braces work so you can know how brackets for braces are related. Luckily, it’s not so hard to understand!
Metal or Clear Braces Can Be the Only Treatment for Certain Orthodontic Issues
Metal braces have become so popular not only because they have such a long history, but because they are the only effective treatment for certain orthodontic issues. Larger tooth gaps and misalignment can only be treated with braces. Usually, that means metal braces, but clear braces work the same way.
How do you know if you have an orthodontic condition that will only respond to treatment with braces? There is no way to know for sure without help from a local family orthodontist. Here at Beauchamp Orthodontics, Dr. Beauchamp will be glad to provide a complete orthodontic checkup.
After an orthodontic checkup in Port Orange, Dr. Beauchamp will inform you about your treatment options. If you decide to go forward with braces for yourself or a loved one, Dr. Beauchamp can often provide same-day braces. Same-day braces mean you don’t need to set another appointment to get started!
What Are Brackets in Braces? Why Do You Need Braces Brackets?
You might hear brackets in braces referred to as bracket braces or braces brackets. But brackets aren’t a kind of braces. Brackets are actually a part of braces that are used in both metal braces and clear braces. The brackets are used to hold the wire in the braces, when you picture traditional braces these are the little “boxes” centered on each tooth. The bracket is also where elastic ligatures(in your favorite colors or clear for ceramic braces) are placed to hold the archwire in the slot of the brace. This wire is stretched across each tooth during treatment with braces.
Brackets ensure the braces wire remains in place. Your Port Orange orthodontist carefully uses the wire so that you get the right amount of tension on your teeth. The tension on the wire slowly moves the teeth from their current position to the healthy “treated” position. That’s why wires have to be adjusted over time.
Both the brackets in braces and the wires in braces can suffer some issues. For example, if you eat any foods that are off-limits with braces, you could get a piece of food stuck under the wire or in the brackets. In some cases, these problems can be fixed at home, but they will usually require help.
What’s the Difference Between Metal Braces and Clear Braces?
No matter which kind you choose, braces from Beauchamp Orthodontics are much lower profile than anything you might know from the 1990s. Bulky, old-fashioned braces are gone. We use our special “small form factor” braces to give you the most subtle appearance while you enjoy treatment.
Our small form factor braces are so sleek that people might not even notice them when you’re standing close by and talking. Choose clear braces (also known as ceramic braces) and the effect is even better. Some of our patients tell us they don’t notice their clear braces in the mirror each morning.
Are Clear Braces Like Metal Braces?
Clear braces and metal braces work the exact same way. “Ceramic braces” is just another term for clear braces, too. Just like metal braces, clear braces require brackets and wires. Clear braces can be repaired if there’s any issue with your wires or brackets during treatment.
Because clear braces function exactly like metal braces, they can be used even for the most serious orthodontic conditions. Whenever clear aligners – the most discreet option of them all – aren’t appropriate, clear braces can still give you the low-profile option that adults and style-conscious teens look for.
Great for both teens and adults, many see them as an “in-between” option due to their sleek profile. Even if you do qualify for clear aligners, you might still choose clear braces for convenience or just because you like them.
What Are Expanders? What Are Expander Braces?
Another part of orthodontic treatment that’s commonly misunderstood is expanders. Expanders are used to expand the soft palate so children’s mouths have enough space for their permanent teeth. You might also hear them called “expander braces,” but they’re not actually braces. Instead, kids usually use expanders before getting braces and they are part of what we call two-phase treatment. They serve as a big first step to straight teeth!
Schedule your consultation today to learn more or get started with orthodontic care in Port Orange.