I Need To Find An Orthodontist, What Should I Do?

Most people have a regular dentist they see once or twice a year for a checkup and whenever else as needed, but many who suddenly have the need to see an orthodontist have never been to an orthodontist’s office before.

They may have a pressing orthodontic need but have just barely learned what an orthodontist is and have no idea where to find the best one in their local area.

If that at all describes your situation, read on to learn more about finding the right orthodontist. Here are seven key strategies to use during your search.

1. Start With Your Immediate Need

Perhaps, you or your child or other loved one have a particular orthodontic problem at present. It may be, for example, that you suffer from some form of tooth misalignments like overcrowding, spacing, overbite, or underbite.

The need may be urgent – at least, you want to waste no time in getting started on assessing it and correcting it. The longer you wait, after all, the worse. The sooner you get started, the better.

Look for a local orthodontist who is experienced at handling the specific issue you face presently. That’s the first step.

2. Then Step Back And Take The Long Look

As important and pressing as immediate needs may be, you must also step back and take a broader view. You need to think long-term about choosing the best orthodontist since you may rely on them for many years.

For example, ask about the educational accomplishments of each candidate. Find out how many years of practical experience they have. You want someone with a broad range of orthodontic services offered so that you can go to just one place for it all, should you need to, at some point in the future.

And you certainly want an orthodontic office that is conveniently located and that has a comfortable facility since you may be visiting it off and on many times.

3. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions

You may have a mental list of “tough questions” you want to ask an orthodontist before deciding on them, but maybe you feel shy to ask those questions. Don’t be.

Orthodontists understand the concerns of their patients (and potential future patients) and answer these kinds of questions all the time.

Most orthodontists will be more than happy to address your questions – so put them down on paper and bring them with you so you won’t forget! In fact, they will feel a breath of fresh air just to talk with someone so concerned about things they too are concerned about in their profession.

4. Look For Multiple Options In Orthodontic Appliances

All orthodontists will be able to handle metal braces, but some of them will offer a greater variety of metal braces. Plus, some will offer additional options like clear braces, Invisalign aligner trays, and more.

Be sure to research who offers a wide variety of services and options and who, well, does not. Only certain orthodontists have the experience and training to handle a wide range of such offerings.

5. Seek An Orthodontist Who Treats All Ages

It’s true that the majority of orthodontic patients are children, but not all of them are. Some are adults. Plus, there is a range of treatment needs even among children, such as babies, young children, and teenagers.

Many times, for example, very young patients will use expanders as preliminary to or instead of braces. And many teenagers prefer Invisalign trays. Adult patients, too, have their special needs and preferences. So look for a truly “family-wide” orthodontist.

6. Take The Time To Read Patient Reviews

Let’s say you live in Port Orange or anywhere in Central Florida. You want to find the best orthodontic specialist in YOUR area. How do you do it? For one thing, you read local reviews by past and current patients.

You may also want to see pictures of work the orthodontist has done – before and after shots. And you should consider talking to people personally, if possible, who have been treated at the particular office in question.

7. Make A Decision & Take It Step By Step

Finally, after weighing all of the pros and cons and sorting through all of your viable options, you come to a decision. You make your first appointment for an orthodontic exam to be followed by the initial treatment.

Of course, you never should feel ‘trapped.’ You are stepping into a new experience and can always change your mind. But give your new orthodontist a fair chance and full opportunity to serve you well. You may be surprised at how much modern orthodontics and a reputable, skilled orthodontist can accomplish for you and your family!

Searching for a Port Orange orthodontist? Consider Beauchamp Orthodontics, an office with a long-standing local reputation for excellence and true-hearted compassion for its many patients.


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